

ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe.  These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.  The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single infrastructure.  This infrastructure makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise and agree on best practices.

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ELIXIR-UK is the UK node of ELIXIR.  The node currently consists of 18 organisations with the Earlham Institute as the lead institution.  If your institution would like to join ELIXIR-UK please latern专业破解版安卓最新版.

The node is a distributed effort across the UK, which builds upon the breadth and depth of its consortium members to provide services in bioinformatics and computational biology, to support researchers to find and share data and agree on best practices at national, European, and international level. · Founder CEB 2.50U kix (y 詘 鋢 @ $y "褍)H铬梛#?w捞嵓 ?冬?纁&`萡gG蟋 筩 W掯伋羉@~嗜书fE嵮机?:?茈 )糓?裂? 浠 δD N?Ac蘍vz鈊 \ 玿d :纡鴎t馃 ...

The UK Node supports the broader life science research community by providing training and services so that they are better equipped to deal with the data challenges they face and help them discover, distribute, analyse, and store data, exchange expertise and agree on standard approaches.  Ultimately assisting the community in their excellent research so that they can better understand and gain insights into the biology of the world that surrounds us.



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Scholarly publishers are working together to maximize the efficiency of peer review, ensuring that key work related to COVID-19 is reviewed and published as quickly

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Hacking the Pandemic

Over 500 scientists, software developers and clinicians joined forces in the COVID-19 virtual Biohackathon to develop new tools for working with the COVID-19 data. The

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ELIXIR: Open collaborative infrastructure to tackle public health emergencies

The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus highlights the need for an open analytics environment so that the global research community can collaborate on developing

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